
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Again: Akaninyene Eyo and His Self-Imposed Duty

                                      Akpabio: A misgiuded Nigerian governor

"I felt pity for Nigeria and especially my people. What could have informed the choice of such man (like Akaninyene Eyo) of very little intelligence and confused mind to represent a people in the National Assembly"-Unyime Mkposong Ikpeme Esq
Only corruption, the urge to acquire corrupt power, and illegal earnings; "have informed the choice of such a man" for any public office - (S)elective or not. People who jeer at hard, honest work; and who are ungrateful to anyone who has ever been the source of their elevation in status, must necessarily go down the same path of licking asses, kissing boots, and destroying the chances which Almighty God had given to them, through HONEST help; such as Dr Imeh Umana had given to the unfortunate, ungrateful, and self-destructive Akaninyene Eyo. I read his diatribe and could not help wondering if anything he wrote had any dictum of truth in it. I was prompted by the vileness of that publication to praying to Almighty God for speedy retribution for all evil-doers, ingrates and sycophants; and may I indicate that I do not know either Imeh Umanah or Akaninyene Eyo. I do not need to know either man to discern the brazen acts of injustice and ingratitude conveyed in Akaninyene Eyo's vitriol against Ime Umanah. It takes a Godly heart to repudiate any and every evil-doer and evil; and so I thank Barrister Ikpeme for his gratitude to a man who lent a hand of help to see to the academic success of the Barrister, and for his repudiation of an evil act/person. Indeed the few Ibibio and Annang people who have followed Godswill Obot Akpabio unquestioningly, supporting his acts of mayhem even if some bits of goodwill are spread over his atrocities, are digging their graves of grief; and such giefs which they have accrued unto themselves will certainly knock on their doors in this life-time, not by man's appointment, BUT by God's.
"Annang land may be enjoying the privilege of producing the governor, but we must not lose sight that one day that reign will end."
Truth, indeed does not have to come in buckets!
A little truth like this becomes a life-saver for those who love that mustard seed. Many Annang people who hail Godswill Obot Akpabio and his cultist reign, by repudiating their sons and daughters who are of different political dispensations, or who as matters of principles, oppose the evils inherent in Mr. Akpabio's reign; and/or who HATEthe Ibibio for opposing Godswill Obot Akpabio's RIGGED second coming; seem to forget that without the Ibibio, Godswill Obot Akpabio would never have been governor in the first place. They also have forgotten that many greedy and cultist Ibibio stood with Godswill Obot Akpabio to RIG the election of last April. They, like Godswill Obot Akpabio , have bitten the very fingers that fed them.
Such actions and uttering by the Annang, or by the Ibibio, or by Oron citizens, or by Eket people, must be handed over to God, to judge; in the pending trial of Godswill Obot Akpabio and his goons before God; for all eyes to see and for all ears to hear. There is no politics before God; ONLY good or bad actions. The adage of our elders posits that when anyone forgets where he took shelter when there was inclement weather, the next time bad weather surfaces, such a person will have no hiding or resting place. Those who have forgotten not only justice and fairness, but also blood relations - in-laws and grandchildren, wives and husbands - to stand with sectional evils and greed, cultivated and perpetrated in the Akpabio government, have forgotten where shelter can be found in the time of inclement weather . They are very far from the Godhead - what shall it profit them to gain politics in an evil political era, at the loss of their own souls; and to lose all that is dear to mankind? Many have forgotten to learn any lessons from the past, or from similar history.
Those who stand for TRUTH, JUSTICE and FAIRNESS, are nearer the Godhead; so those who have failed to repudiate the evils of cultism and sectionalism and murders and kidnappings, or even the mistakes of Godswill Obot Akpabio, must remember, each time they enter any house of prayer dedicated to God, that they are heaping burning coals upon their heads; and they will cringe in their hearts and in their spirits when Godswill Obot Akpabio's EVIL actsand doings eventually manifest in the open. If such is worth losing the Ibibio, the Annang, the Oron, and the Eket relationships; OR the joys which in-laws and grandchildren and wives and husbands bring to the human breast; may they have what they have asked for!!
There should be no pity felt for the likes of Akaninyene Eyo who are ungrateful, or for those Annang people who see their sons and daughters who oppose the evils or even the politics of Godswill Obot Akpabio, or who see the Ibibio, as the enemy; because of their unquestioned support for Godswill Obot Akpabio, they have made their beds , they must lie on them when the time comes. As for all speakers of TRUTH, all who see injustice and repudiate it, all who see unfairness and reject it - Ibibio, Annang, Oron, and Eket, or wherever they may come from - a rich reward awaits them; not only in Heaven, but also here on Earth; and that TIME is fast approaching when we will all reap what each of us has sown!!!
OduduAbasi ( Nicolas Edet)

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